Category: LittleMissFlint

  • LittleMissFlint May 27, 2020 at 10:27PM

    A lot of people seem to have a lot to say about looting but not much to say about murder by the police. Your silence is screaming. #ICantBreathe #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd — Mari Copeny (@LittleMissFlint) May 28, 2020 from

  • LittleMissFlint May 17, 2020 at 02:35PM

    “Our protest will never be the same” This image is everywhere right now. Same country but two totally different worlds apart. — Mari Copeny (@LittleMissFlint) May 17, 2020 from

  • LittleMissFlint March 14, 2020 at 01:36AM

    Are you upset about standing in long lines, prices on essentials being raised for profit, and stores running out of the items you need to survive? Flint residents have been dealing with this feeling for almost 6 years when it comes to water.#CoronaOutbreak #coronavirus — Mari Copeny (@LittleMissFlint) March 14, 2020 from