Category: IjeomaOluo

  • IjeomaOluo June 03, 2020 at 06:38PM

    And I'm not alone in this. Black people in America are Black EVERY DAY. And white supremacy has been coming for us EVERY DAY. — Ijeoma Oluo (@IjeomaOluo) June 3, 2020 from

  • IjeomaOluo May 04, 2019 at 05:10PM

    My 11 year old said he was bored so I told him to play outside. He decided to ride his bike for the first time in ages and just knocked on my window to say "I'M HAVING THE MOST FUN OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!" ❤️ — Ijeoma Oluo (@IjeomaOluo) May 4, 2019 from

  • IjeomaOluo May 02, 2019 at 01:53PM

    I'm sharing this because I see this all the time & I need y'all to understand: white supremacy will never be defeated as long as we keep waging these battles on the backs of POC. Every step of your anti-racism efforts must prioritize the humanity of POC or you will fail. — Ijeoma Oluo…