Category: HistoryLivesDet
HistoryLivesDet June 04, 2021 at 04:46AM
On this day in 1969:Richard H. Austin, Michigan’s first Black certified public accountant, announces that he will run for mayor of Detroit. He’s the first major African-American candidate to do so. — Ken Coleman (@HistoryLivesDet) June 4, 2021 from
HistoryLivesDet March 28, 2021 at 10:52AM
On this day in 1864: The 900-member First Michigan Colored Regiment, organized at Camp Ward in Detroit as 102nd U.S. Colored Troops, leave for Civil War service on the Union side. The Black men, all volunteers, will battle deep in Dixie in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. — Ken Coleman (@HistoryLivesDet) March 28, 2021…
HistoryLivesDet September 29, 2020 at 07:41PM
On this day in 1975:WGPR-TV 62 signs on air, becomes nation's first Black-owned TV station. — Ken Coleman (@HistoryLivesDet) September 29, 2020 from