Category: FeministaJones
FeministaJones August 17, 2019 at 01:57PM
Bruhs been doing this tricks on light posts for years it's about time 🗣🗣🗣 — Cultureless Black American (@FeministaJones) August 17, 2019 from
FeministaJones August 15, 2019 at 06:17AM
And that, good people, is how you afford a black man barricaded in his home posing little threat outside the perimeter the same Burger King "have it your way" empathy as a White man who leaves his home with the intent to shoot innocent civilians 🙃 — Cultureless Black American (@FeministaJones) August 15, 2019 from…
FeministaJones July 12, 2019 at 03:16PM
Wealthy white people don't really want social ills to end because if we ended things like poverty, hunger, and homelessness, they wouldn't have pet projects to make them feel good about themselves — FJ the Hygenic, Washer of Legs & Feet (@FeministaJones) July 12, 2019 from