Category: CoriBush

  • CoriBush October 04, 2020 at 08:51PM

    We need a $2,000 / month UBI retroactive to the start of the pandemic. — Cori Bush (@CoriBush) October 5, 2020 from

  • CoriBush April 07, 2020 at 11:28AM

    2000: I told my OB/GYN something was wrong with my pregnancy due to pain, she waved me off. I went into preterm labor & my son was born 23 weeks gestation 1lb 3oz as big as the palm of my hand. The docs, the priest all said 0% chance of life. Well, not so! Happy…

  • CoriBush March 31, 2020 at 08:29PM

    I just took a medication that opened my lungs up in such a way it brought tears to my eyes! I’ve been feeling like I’ve been suffocating for days- so scary. No sleep, just trying to breathe. I can’t imagine needing this med & not being able to afford it. HC is a human right.…