Category: BreeNewsome
BreeNewsome July 04, 2019 at 08:29PM
This is y'all's white supremacist king??? — Bree Newsome Bass (@BreeNewsome) July 5, 2019 from
BreeNewsome July 01, 2019 at 12:16PM
Pretty sure I've already written a whole other thread about this so I won't do that again right now. But suffice it to say, in addition to being a political ideology, white supremacy is also a theology which basically holds that God is white & non-white ppl are lesser beings. — Bree Newsome Bass (@BreeNewsome)…
BreeNewsome March 15, 2019 at 07:56PM
Reminder that a Coast Guard Lt. was arrested just weeks ago for planning mass terrorist attack in US to advance the cause of white nationalism, and little has been spoken of it since as the white power structure focused on Rep Omar: — Bree Newsome Bass (@BreeNewsome) March 15, 2019 from