Category: black liberation

  • fhunscripted July 15, 2019 at 06:56PM

    In the face of the blatant bigotry and wicked white supremacy of 46-1, the religious right is wrong, again, by its silence! I’m not surprised because their “white Jesus” has always been used as a tool of oppression. I pray for them to be saved! — Dr. Freddy Haynes (@fhunscripted) July 15, 2019 from

  • Yg_Trece July 06, 2019 at 04:08AM

    At all 😤 RT @JalenRose: I am not accepting any Westbrook slander!!!! — Paul George (@Yg_Trece) July 6, 2019 from

  • mo313 June 30, 2019 at 09:10AM

    Just thinking about this in the 70's blk ppl took over cities. In the 80's Regan & the Repubs started defunding Public Ed but increase funding for policing our Cities! Flooding CITIES with DRUGs & GUNs. But ELIMINATING BUSINESS & JOB OPPORTUNITIES! — Moe (@mo313) June 30, 2019 from