Category: black liberation
Watch “Dem Frontrunner ~ Joe Biden Doubles Down on Myth about Black Parents | Dr. Rick Wallace”
CharlesWMcKinn2 November 30, 2019 at 02:09PM
Some of the best advice I got in graduate school: “Watch out for Black people who like being the only Black person in the room.” — Charles W McKinney, Jr. (@CharlesWMcKinn2) November 30, 2019 from
DerrickNAACP August 04, 2019 at 06:49PM
#Dayton Police Chief says there is no evidence that racial bias motivated shooter. However, 6 of the 9 people killed were Black. Time for DOJ to intervene immediately. #DaytonOhioShooting another act of #DomesticTerrorism — Derrick Johnson (@DerrickNAACP) August 4, 2019 from